1 (703)- 596-1056
There are 2 types of Thermal Lance Pipes
Type T
Our unique assortment of wires and inner tube produce a concentrated flame of high speed. This powerful straight flame splashes materials and make hole, break up quickly. Melt of steel, iron and the other metals is the most suitable application of TYPE-T
Type W

Product information

  • Category: Thermic lance pipe (Burning Bar)

Thermic lance pipe

DLI’s produced thermic lance pipe is of highest quality standard in the Industry. It is used for cutting large castings, stainless steel, brass, ferrous, non-ferrous, concrete, ceramic, natural stone, etc. Thermic lance pipe comes in two configuration Type T and Type W to serve two unique application. Our technical sales associate can educate you more on usage and application. These lance when injected with Oxygen goes through Kinetic energy and generate heat over 3000 deg Celsius. This makes the cutting of metals and non-metal super efficient.